Reader's Guide to Beyond Agile Auditing

Auditing can be a painful experience both for auditors and for audit clients. A big part of that is because the world around us is changing faster than ever before, and our old ways of working just can’t keep up. Beyond Agile Auditing is about breaking free from old ways of working and constricting frameworks, so auditors can really add value and reduce the audit-induced headaches – for both auditors and audit clients.
It's also about moving past the tired auditor vs client mentality, where people fear auditors and see them as roadblocks to progress. Beyond Agile Auditing shows auditors and clients how to work together, levering each other’s strengths to help each other succeed, solving that age-old problem of auditors vs clients.
IT Revolution released a reader’s guide to Beyond Agile Auditing, which includes chapter summaries, chapter-by-chapter discussion questions, and themes. It's the perfect companion to use in your own book club or to expand your understanding of the material. You can download a copy below or from the IT Revolution's website.