Adventures in Writing my First Book (Part 3 of 4)
The final summer hockey tournament for us this year was in Niagara Falls, NY.
In addition to a lot of games and time spent in ice rinks, I got to spend a lot of time with my family. My sister and brother-in-law drove from Pennsylvania to meet us and watch my son's games. Between games, we had time to explore the Falls together, taking in all the sights and enjoying each others' company. Although I spent more time focused on my family and less time writing, I still carried my blue book around with me and jotted down ideas as they came to me. I also found a picnic table in the sunshine where I enjoyed a cup of coffee and some writing time while my son played on a nearby playground between games.
On our final day in Niagara Falls, we visited Fort Niagara. My husband and I last visited the fort back in 2008, and because our son absolutely loves history (especially historic battles), we were so excited for him to experience Fort Niagara on this trip. The three of us enjoyed exploring the different buildings in the fort and watching the reenactors demonstrate how soldiers fired canisters.
It was another great trip for the summer, lots of time with family (this time more family members than before), thrilling hockey games, a bit of history, and of course, making progress on my manuscript. Writing my book has been an incredible journey (still more to come in my next post), and I can't wait for you to read it and start improving your audit experience right away!